What a great mail day! I got a much anticipated package from Japan with unused kimono fabric that I purchased on eBay. The one in the photo above is a light weight wool and the entire roll is over 200 inches long. Time to try out some new handbag designs.
I also got this roll of wool fabric with a cute floral print. This wool is also unused kimono fabric, but is much stiffer than the other wool roll, and will probably be used to make a bunch of cute tote bags. I'll even use the end piece with the writing on the side. I think there's a reference to "100% wool" there.
Isn't it cute! I love how the dark background of the fabric bleeds through the white flowers. It's so rare to see white printing on a dark colored background. I got into a pretty good bidding war over this one and am happy I ended up ahead when the last second ticked off the eBay clock!
Finally, I got this roll of unused silk as well. It's over 200 inches long too, so I'm hoping to get three scarves out of this one. I'd like to get some nice velvet in autumn colors to back the scarves with. Autumn colors?! I don't know how I could be thinking about Autumn already. I think it's because I noticed today that our burning bush is already turning red.
I love the detailing on this fabric. It almost looks like a watercolor painting. I definitely have enough new fabric here to keep me busy for a while. I just need to find the time in my day to get that sewing machine out. If only the kids would take longer naps....
And if that wasn't exciting enough.... I also got my package of Holland 100% wool felt from
A Child's Dream Come True. I got two sheets of coffee, and one each of cocoa and flesh. I'm going to try to pull together a felt monkey doll for my daughter, Quinn, who turns two years old at the end of this month. I wanted to order a monkey doll from the
Hop Skip Jump Shop but there were none available at the time. So, sometime later this week I'll try putting together my first doll. Luckily, I purchased Hillary's latest
Put Together Book (which I haven't made anything from yet) so I'll at least have some reference material available while I try to pull together a pattern. I'll post my (probably disastrous) results here later.