Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Off to Boston

Tomorrow Kevin and I are taking on the kids on their first flight. We scooped up some $10 tickets to Boston on Skybus a few months back and the trip has totally snuck up on us. We're madly rushing around tonight doing laundry, packing, and trying to figure out what to do in Boston. I'm sure that part will be pretty easy once we get there.

I'm not even sure the kids would care what we did. They are just so excited to get on a plane. When we were at the pool Monday they looked up every time a plane flew over (which, unfortunately is about every 10 minutes)and asked, "Mommy, is that our plane?" Finally we saw an orange Skybus and I was able to say, yep -- that's the one.

I'm hoping I'll bump into a vintage fabric or clothing store while we're there. Other than that, I'm open to anything. See you all when we get back this weekend!



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